Thursday, January 17, 2008

Day 3 - Golfing in Maui

One of the conditions in the cruise was that I go out golfing with my husband. I was told I would not have to actually play, but I could just drive the cart. I've played golf about 6 times in my life and personally I'm good for about 5 holes, then I grow bored with it and start to kick the ball around. Just not my cup of tea. But I've made a deal, I go along golfing for this one, the next one he's on his own and I'm at the spa on the ship.

There are only 2 guys golfing on this excursion, Ed and a really nice guy named Jeff from New Jersey. I drive the cart, or at least that's what I'm calling it. It never fails, every time I get in one of those things and catch a bit of a downward slope I feel like it's going out of control so I slam on the breaks, which in turn makes the most spin tingling squeal heard all through the golf course. And inevitably there's some guy right in the middle of his back swing and when he's done I get the most Gawd awful looks from

The scenery was wonderful, the foliage beautiful and I had the camera so I got some nice pictures on this journey.

We arrived back on the ship with just about an hour before it sailed off again to our next destination, Kona.
The evening was somewhat uneventful. We did go to see a show on the ship that night, it was a juggling act. And although he was a little on the lame side I give him props for being able to juggle on a ship that is rocking back and forth. He juggled golf clubs at one point which was impressive and had a couple of decent jokes, (I'm sweatin like Mel Gibson at a Bar Mitzvah.... I'm sweatin like George Bush at a Mensa Meeting).
Still adjusting to the time so we're old party poopers and back in the cabin and out like a light fairly early.

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